Heavy Loads, We Got You Covered

Email Load Lists

in Tier 1

Email Load Lists

Broker Loads

We receive numerous emails from brokers of loads they have available.  These emails range in quality for two reasons.

  1. Some emails have a lot of load information including rate, commodity, dimensions, etc. while others have very little information.
  2. Some email lists consist of consistently bad freight because of the type of commodity, lanes, or rate.

There is little we can do about the quality of the emails from brokers, but we can learn how to pick and choose the emails and loads that we have the best chance of moving.

All Broker Loads

“All broker loads” is a Gmail Label on the left side navigation, see lesson 6 Email.  When a new broker load list comes into our inbox, it will likely also come into our “All broker loads” label automatically.  I want to show you how you can search for what I call the “Golden Eggs”.  The golden eggs are the loads that are worth pursuing.

  • Gross Revenue – The higher the revenue the more commission, so steer clear of low revenue freight. Target freight at least over $1,500.
  • RPM – The most important value is being above the “FAK” rate. see Rate Calculator Lesson 10
  • Match Loads to Trucks – Quickly view if we have trucks in the area.  If no trucks are available in the area then ‘archive’ the email and move on to the next opportunity.

If a load is worth pursuing, then you can either talk to the truck or the broker first.  Unfortunately you will have to talk to both either way, but sometimes it’s better to talk to the broker first and other times the truck first.  You will just have to start the process and over time you will better determine which is the better to talk to first.

View Lesson 4 Broker Conversation


Loads and certainly the good loads can go quick in this business.  You want to be on top of the emails that come into the inbox and quickly scan for the golden eggs.  To repeat myself, if there are no good loads or no trucks available for the good loads, archive the email and move on.

It won’t take long to learn and look for the good loads.  If you have questions call us and we’ll be glad to assist you.

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